Full list-Know Who Has Contributed to The Mbale Covid-19 Task force.

Below is the up to date list of Organizations and Individuals who have contributed to Mbale District COVID-19 TASKFORCE FUND.
  1.  KIDAWALIME BAKERY......... UGX.200,000. Provide 5 loaves of Bread for Quarantine center every day.
  2.  WORLD VISION - 200 kgs rice, Disposal Gloves - 40 packets, Protective aprons-100pcs, Hand-washing stations-50 pcs, Infra thermometer guns 09, Jik 30 cartons, Liquid soap-30 Jerricans, Mega phones-50, Support training of COVID Staff teams, support transport of Staff to Health Centers.
  3. St.Kizito's Baby's Home: UGX. 300,000, 20 litres of cooking oil,100 kgs of posho.
  4. Lulwanda Children's Home: UGX. 7,000,000
  5.  Human Rights Activists: UGX. 500,000 and IEC Materials.
  6. Jenga: 6 vehicles transporting staff to Health Centers,Sanitizers
  7. NWSC - UGX. 340,000/
  8.  DFCU - UGX. 100,000
  9. Christian Child Care: UGX. 100,000, posho100 kg and Soya beans 100kg.
  10. TAN TELECOMS: 50 pieces of Personal Protection ware, Sanitizers litres, 2 jerricans for hand washing, 2 boxes of bar soap.
  11. Mbale Municipal Council: UGX. 1,500,000
  12. East: 5 boxes of soap,5 loaves of bread.
  13. Elgon Bakery: 10 loaves of bread
  14. GiftSweet: Bread 10 loaves of bread.
  15. Diners: 40 kgs of rice.
  16. Mbale Foam: 120 4"mattresses.
  17.  Abdul Khader Jinna: 200 kgs rice,200 kg Posho
  18. Mbale Elders Fellowship: UGX. 200,000
  19. Hussein Masaba: 1000 kgs Posho
  20. Karim Masaba: 500 kgs Posho
  21. Ekayu Robert: UGX. 50,000.
  22. Sarah Balayo and Industrial Traders: UGX. 200,000
  23. Trust Uganda: UGX. 1,000,000.
  24. Mansor Israel: 2 pcs of examination gloves
  25. Gadmart Agrovet: UGX. 50,000.
  26. Dary Lee UGX. 100,000
  27. Sky and Alisha Andyco Pharmacies: Medicine and supplies worth UGX. 20,455,000.
  28. Generous Investments UGX. 500,000
  29. Chairman Bugema B UGX. 100,000
  30. Mangali James UGX. 50,000
  31. Muduku UGX. 100,000.
  32. Mwanji Yahaya UGX. 30,000
  33. Mukasa Derick UGX. 10,000
  34. Hon.Werishe Gafabusa Posho
  35. Mbale Industrial Traders 4025 kgs Posho,100 kgs beans
  36. Asian Community in Mbale 250 pcs of assorted items of food.
  37. Gateway Bus Company - Two buses for transporting health workers plus fuel and drivers wages.
  38.  Hon.Lydia Wanyoto Mutende-Ambulance
  39. Hon. Gershom Wambedde.-Ambulance
  40. Hon.Connie Nakayenze Galiwango-Ambulance.


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