Raphael Magyezi Calls Upon Fellow NRM- MPs Not to Reject The 10M Covid-19 Cash

The Igara County West member of parliament  Raphael Magyezi has called upon the NRM members of parliament not to reject the 10 Million shillings offer passed recent to help them fight Covid-19,He had this to say during an interview with Tooro Television.

"I encourage all NRM MPs not to reject this money, we need to help people with this money. If Opposition MPs don't want to take the money, let them leave it. Actually they should give it to us cause we have a lot of people who call us begging for food. 

Opposition MPs think they are too smart but I just laugh at them some times. How can you refuse 20M, don't they have people in their constituencies who are looking for help in these hard times?. I can not return back the money that is meant to help people in quarantine. 

The people shouting are the ones going to praise us when we give them help from this money. So my fellow NRM MPs don't be intimidated by these opposition MPs, the rebel MPs and the public, take this money and help people in your constituencies"

Meanwhile the speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga has justified the allocation of Shs 10 billion to MPs to carry out 'supervision and advocacy' against the spread of coronavirus.

Parliament has come under heavy criticism after the MPs this week quietly allocated themselves Shs 10 billion, even cutting the health budget by Shs 5 billion to come up with the figure.

Kadaga explained that MPs are 'busy on advocacy' and are following up on what is happening in hospitals around the country. However, this is the exact work that MPs are paid handsomely to do.

Commentators wonder why the MPs needed extra money. There are 452 MPs in Uganda’s parliament, and breakdown of the money means each MP gets at least Shs 22,123,893 (Shs 22 million).


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