SIRONKO: Man kills father over Ugsh 6000.

By Kapewo Paul
As the lockdown in Uganda continues biting hard, a man in Sironko district has kicked to death his father for allegedly failing to pay him back Ug Shs 6000 that he has demanded long.
the cruel incident took place in Buwogali village, Bufaka parish, Bumasifwa sub-county in Sironko district.

Speaking to Elgon FM a resident identified as Masuba Emmanual said the man known as Woyaga James aka Bwacha 58years old was coming from his garden in the evening hours of yesterday when his son identified as Zesiro Alex 30years met him on his way home and started fighting him hence kicked him in the chest area killing him instantly.

Masuba also reports that the residents tried contacting the police and they were ordered not to touch the dead body that slept lying on the road all night, as they wait police to come and take it away for post mortem.

He also said the believed family has been having family wrangles for some time where the two had kept on fighting on several occasions. meanwhile, the said culprit Zesiro Alex is on the run since the incident happened.


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